Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My opinion on Lethal injection

Lethal injection is said to be the most humane method of execution in modern day punishment. I also agree with this opinion. Although I strongly feel that execution should not be an option of punishment. It seems that the process is much more humane and easier to carry out then other methods of execution. It also seems to be less pain for the inmate or prisoner that receives it. I’m not saying that it is the best but, if were to be executed I would want to be lethally injected, rather than be electrocuted. Although , I sometimes wonder if the chemical compounds that are being injected will actually hurt while they are being injected or can I feel the chemicals running through my veins before my death. No one really knows except those inmates and prisoners who suffered death from lethal injection.

My View On The Concept Of Execution.

My view on execution is that it is wrong, how can people of power punish other people who commit crimes such as murders and massacres, and then commit a murder on the criminal by killing him. The saying goes that, “two wrongs don’t make it right”. How can humans say it is a wrongful sin to kill someone and to punish the murderer they decide to kill the person to prove a point? I feel that the ultimate punishment for killing someone should be life imprisonment, and over the years of imprisonment if he or she should learn that what they did was wrong they should be allowed to have freedom. If the prisoner shows no remorse then they should be imprisoned until death. Although people may have power in our world, they are still human and no human should have the right to take another life even though it is through justice.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


1. SODIUM THIOPENTAL: This compound is used in surgery as an anesthetic, usually the dose is used up to 150 mg, in lethal injection it is given 5,000mg, that amount is lethal which means the prisoner should not feel nothing at this point.

2. PANCURONIUM BROMIDE: This compound is a muscle relaxant that is given in a strong dose to paralyse the diaphragm and lungs. This drug takes 1-3 minutes to work.

3. POTASSIUM CHLORIDE: This is a toxic agent which induces cardiac arrest. Not all the states in the United States use this compound in their execution because they feel the first two compounds are sufficient enough to cause death.


Like every legal execution in the United States, the inmate is prepared for death before his/her actual execution. This process includes a change of clothing, a last meal of his/her choice, and a shower. The prisoner is taken to a chamber of execution and two IV tubes are inserted into his/her arm, then a saline solution is fed into the prisoner's arm. The tubes are expanded from another room where the execution will be carried out. This seperate room contains direct telephone connection to officials who are advising the execution. Once the tubes are connected, there is a curtain that is pulled back reveiling the whole room so that witnesses may watch the execution. Then finally the prisoner is allowed to make his/her last statement. The executioners are blocked view of the prisoner and the witnesses, and the lethal dose is given manually so that there is no mechanical failure.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The day before the criminal/inmate is to be hung he/she must be weighed. Rehearsal is done usually be using a sandbag of the same weight as the prisoner. This practice is to determine the length of the "drop" that is necessary to ensure a quick death for the criminal/inmate. If the length of the rope is too short for the criminals/inmates weight then the strangulation can take as long as 45 minutes to complete. If the rope is too long then the inmate can be decapitated. The rope that is used for the execution must be boiled and stretched to eliminate spring or coiling. The knot that creates the noose must be lubricated with wax or oil to ensure a smooth sliding action.


Hanging was one of the earliest method of execution in the United States. Until the late 1800's it was the primary method of execution. In present time hanging is only used in two states in the United States, Delware and Washington. These two states also offer alternative methods to execute but they still rely on this very old method. The last known legal hanging to take place was January 25, 1996 in Delaware.