Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gas chemicals

Zyklon B was one of the first biological execution methods and one of the most famous chemicals used for killing mass amounts of people. This named was created for a cyanide-based pesticide which became popular and brought to attention during the nazi-germany rain in Germany. Zyklon B was used during the holocaust in Hitlers concentration camps for gas chambers. These chambers were often massive and could hold hundreds of people at a time. Zyklon B consists of Hydrogen Cyanide and also has a warning odor.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The gas chamber was introduced into the United States in the 1920's for the execution of condemned prisoners. The gas chamber consists of a sealed chamber in which a posion gas is injected into the sealed room by a filtered drain system. This method became famous when it was largely used in the Holocaust, when Nazi-Germany built large-scale gas chambers to commit mass execution of jews.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Method of Lethal injection

This method of execution is done by putting a criminal to sleep with a fatal dose of drugs, this drug is usually causes immediate death. The main purpose of this method is for Capital Punishment but in a more humane sense it would be considered as euthanasia or suicide. This method kills the prisoner by first putting him/her to sleep, then stop the persons breathing, then stopping the heart of the persons causing instant death. Lethal injection, which is considered more humane than hanging, electrocution, firing squad, and gas, has become the most common form of execution in the United States. In the Year of 2005, every American execution was conducted by Lethal injection.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Electrocution was invented to seek a more humane way to execute criminals rather than hanging them. The first electric chair was invented in New York in 1888 and executed William Kemmler in 1890. Other states begin to take interest in this new and easy method. In Nebraska it was the sole use of execution until in 2008, the state of Nebraska declared it "cruel and unusual punishment", this claim left the state without any method of execution.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Here is a map of the states and their methods of death penalty.

  1. -In this map the states that appear in Red, are states that allow "Electrocution" as their modes of execution.
- the states that are in dark gray do not enforce or allow the death penalty.

-States that are in light gray do not have an electrocution policies but they enforce other methods.

- then the small parts of greens scattered in the map are other methods such as lethal injection, firing squad, hanging, and gas.